Ansley & Melissa

July 27, 2024 • Las Vegas, NV
68 Days To Go!

Ansley & Melissa

July 27, 2024 • Las Vegas, NV
68 Days To Go!

Q + A

Where should we stay?

We will be staying at the Flamingo Las Vegas and have arranged a block of rooms for wedding guests. Details are on the 'Travel' page.

Will there be a reception?

We will host a celebration dinner for guests in Las Vegas after the wedding. We will have a larger reception party in Ohio at a later date so that people who were unable to attend can celebrate with us.

How long should we stay in Las Vegas?

Please stay as long as you'd like to! We will arrive a few days ahead of the wedding to deal with the logistics. We are also planning to stay a few days after the wedding for a short honeymoon/vacation, probably near the pools.

Didn't Ansley used to work at the Flamingo?

Yes, she did.

Is there a wedding registry?

Between the two of us, we have 3 Instant pots, 4 crockpots and just about every cooking and kitchen gadget out there, so we have not set up a registry. If you really want to give a gift, we accept cash or you can make a donation to an animal rescue organization.

Isn't it ridiculously hot in Las Vegas in July?

Yes, but it's a dry heat. The average high is 104°, but the ceremony will be inside and there is plenty of air conditioning.

What should we wear to the wedding?

Given the history of the Flamingo and the speakeasy style of the restaurant, you are welcome to dress in your favorite 1920's themed outfits. Costumes are not required though! Please dress casually in whatever is comfortable for you!